Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my Mom's 91st birthday. Jo, Scout, Allison and I went to visit and took some flowers. I also took some birthday flowers from my sister and brother so the whole room was full of blooms. My Mom taught me to knit in 1976 when I was expecting my oldest son. I wanted to make baby booties for him. My grandmother had already taught me to crochet three years earlier but I wanted to knit a pair of booties from a pattern my Mom had. Well, let's just say it was a challenge but I did learn and have used that pattern for booties for not just my kids and grandkids but many friends and other relatives. In the busyness of life and kids I had set knitting aside until 2001 when my RA went fullblown out of control. I needed something to focus on other than constant pain. Out came the knitting. My sister recommended plain vanilla dishcloths and that got me knitting again. I even made Joseph an afghan in Army camo green. I was fortunate that my hands could stand the constant movement of knitting. In 1974 my Mom made the comment that I needed to know a craft because "if you are ever ill then you have something to focus on." Wow, weird, huh. So Happy Birthday Mom and thanks for teaching me how to knit those first booties and the patience it took too do it.

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