Saturday, July 28, 2012

Crochet Pencil Holder

I have many projects going on right now jumping back and forth to my temperment at the time. has a cute crocheted bowl. I have a bunch of cotton yarn so thought I would make one. At first I did not care for the size I was making so I ripped it out and decided to make it smaller and more narrow and make a pencil holder for the table beside the couch where I do all my work. I used Lily Sugar and Cream, color #2744 Swimming Pool. I also switched from a G crochet hook to an I. The double thread with a G hook was giving my RA hands fits. The I worked better for me. This is an easy and fun pattern and it can be adjusted to whatever size you want to make.

I love this color.

The bottom.

Up the side.

The bottom is so cool looking.




Deborah Hamilton said...

That's very cute, and useful too!

Angela said...

That is a great idea!