Tuesday, September 29, 2009
How Much?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
It is interesting how sometimes things happen at the same time. I love cloudy rainy days but after finally just now getting over my cold, that yes did last the two full weeks, it seems it has been raining for almost that long. It would not bother me so much but even with the wonderful meds that my rheumatologist has me on, I still get creaky. Yesterday was one of those days. Monday was beautiful, sunny and warm at 94 degrees. This morning I woke up and yes that cold front did come through, it was 61 and cloudy. So I ache and am stiff and am wondering if it is going to rain again. Fall is actually my favorite time of year. I think it is because of the break in the 100+ degree summers. But it also brings wild and weird weather that can play havok with not just my joints but with my whole system. I told my doctor I feel like I have the flu all the time. He agreed that was a good assessment of what it feels like to have RA. That constant tired ache that makes everything an effort. So I thought, well today I will blog about living with RA and how it shapes everything that I do and my mental outlook. Then I got a notice that Lene Andersen had a new post on http://www.RACentral.com/ This is a great site for people to get info and/or talk to others about RA. When I read Lene's post today I thought, yes, this is exactly it. So there are three things that I wish for people to do today, well four. And if it is too much for today then please do it this week. I have links on my blog for Lene, http://www.theseatedview.com/ ,RACentral, the site for http://www.bucklemeupmovement.com , and www.butyoudontlooksick.com/the_spoon_theory . If you have never before read any of these sites please do today. There is not just a lot of information about RA but also autoimmune disease in general. For those of us to describe how we are "feeling" it sometimes is hard and feels like it falls on deaf ears. We don't want sympathy, just understanding of how we have to work around this disease so we can live our lives in what has become our new normal.
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yes, sewing. I do not really like to sew but last week when I started getting a cold I found this material. I was looking for some cotton yarn and ran a cross the red and green elephant fabric. I had gotten in when Jo was small and had intended to make her a blankie. Other things got in the way and I never got anything made. I am trying to "lighten the load" of stuff that is not needed, that of course does not include stash yarn, and I decided to whip up the girls blankies. Fortunately these were all straight seams because I have been known to sew the front to the back on a shirt before. So I got the stuffing for the pillows and the flat stuffing for the blankies so they would be cushy. Jo's is the elephants on both sides and Scout's has the green backing that matches the color of the elephants. I also found this great flamingo fabric so I made a pillow for Jo to use on her "crouton", fouton, while she watches her movies. They both loved them. I took this picture of Jo right before she went to bed. It is not the best and I think she looks kind of like a princess waiting on someone to bring her something. This should be the last of the sewing, except when I have to stitch together the Christmas stockings. Yes I can sew but only when I have to.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Fall Colds
This is not about cold weather although I do like it when the leaves change and the temperatures cool down. Really, when the weatherman says we are having a cold front come through and all he means is that instead of 96 degrees it is going to be 89 degrees, well I find a little weirdness in that. I have had my first fall, is it fall yet, cold. I was fine last Sunday. On Monday I went to Blah Blah's birthday party and was fine. No one there was sick. On Tuesday night I started getting a scratchy throat. Thinking maybe it was allergies I did not worry but then on Wednesday it got worse. Uh oh, I thought to myself. Since my diagnosis of RA and all that includes a psycho immune system plus all the wonderful drugs that deplete the little immune system you have just so you can function, I have found that I have a pattern to colds. I get a sore throat for a day or two and then it goes away. The first couple of times this happened I thought I had escaped being sick. But, on about the third day that is when the congestion, runny nose (how is that possible at the same time?) and general crappiness starts only to take a full two weeks before it is completely gone. This has become my pattern for colds. I was a little perturbed because this weekend Matthew was having everybody over for fajitas with all the yummies that go with them. I kept trying to tell myself all week that I was not really sick, that it is just allergies, the pollen, but as the week went by I knew it was a cold. First you can't sleep because you can't breathe and then you can't sleep because you wake up coughing. I think I am getting better but I had to miss the fajita get together today because I did not want to expose anyone but especially the little grandgirls and Matthew himself who has his own immune challenges. So here I sit, drinking Diet Coke. I have been thinking about this time of year and the coming flu season. I know a lot of churches are like mine where everyone greets everyone else and shakes hands. That is the only place I have been where I might have gotten this cold. So what do those who are immune challenged do this time of year. I mean you do not want to appear rude or unfriendly, frankly I do not want to have to say sorry I don't want your germs and pull out my Purel in the middle of church. I think that we can be friendly but I think at this time of year especially there has to be another way to solve this. How about an announcement from the pulpit, hey it's the cold and flu season just say hi and don't shake hands. That might help against the spread of germs. If not then I guess I will become the lady who sits in the back with her Purel bottle.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
September 9th

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