September 9th. I will never forget September 9th. Two years ago today Matthew, aka Uncle Daisey, had a motorcycle wreck. It was very serious and he spent a month in the hospital and two months at my house recouperating. He has no memory of the first two weeks in the hospital. After arriving at the hospital he had surgery to remove his spleen. He also had TBI, traumatic brain injury. This was very scary. We had no idea what the outcome of the TBI was going to be. I tell him he is a walking miracle. The doctors all thought so too. Today if you were to meet him other than his large scar from his abdominal surgery you would probably never know he had also suffered TBI. He pretty much acts his normal self. He goes to work everyday and this year is running more. He takes his dog Daisey with him running in the evenings while he gets ready for 5 and 10 K's. That phone call on September 9th was the kind that every parent dreads no matter how old their kid is. I will be forever grateful to Parkland Hospital in Dallas. They have a wonderful trauma unit and I know that is part of the reason that Matthew survived. Another part was his strong will, which sometimes drives us crazy. I have no idea who he got that from. Lastly he truly is a walking miracle and I have no doubt that is because of God's grace. I love ya Matthew.
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