Friday, January 14, 2011

Shopping Day

Today was grocery shopping day. Before we went to Wal-Mart we went to Jo's choice of El Fenix for lunch. At the end of the meal the waiter brought "sopapeople" for the girls. Jo actually prefers a four tortilla with butter and sugar for her dessert. Scout on the other hand loves the "people". Interestingly they bring you honey to add on top of the already sugar/cinnamon people. Whoa, way sweet. But Scout is not to be detered.
Here she is adding her honey.
After she put her honey on her plate she decided the heck with the "people" just go straight for the honey.
Since the honey is pretty drippy we decide to put it a little closer. Much more convenient.
That is some yummy stuff.
What? Doesn't everyone eat their honey this way?

Here is Big Sis Jo with her sugar tortilla dessert. Someone else was being funny.
It was a great day.

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