Thursday, May 7, 2009

Early Mother's Day

Yesterday I went to The Ponderosa for an early Mother's Day get-together. I will be in Amarillo for the twins first birthday party over the weekend so Jo, Scout and Allison decided we should get together and play. Okay is was muggy and hot. We were supposed to have rain but fortunately it did not appear but my hair frizzed and Jo's curled beautifully. Scout was putting on some of her best smiles (she is eight and a half weeks now). I was doing my best to have one of those crazy YoYo moments. Allison made that yummy lemon cheesecake. We had it for lunch dessert and some came home with me for breakfast today. Mmmmm. While I was being silly I was also holding one of the coolest ideas for a gift. Yes, a gift card but not just any gift card. With new baby limited running around, they really don't like not getting their naps, running into Dallas takes some planning. Allison, knowing my love of yarn and the benefits that her family receives from that, came up with a personalized gift card. The Shabby Sheep is my favorite LYS. Allison took and old card, you know we all get those when stores don't want to give you cash from a returned item, then you then have to re-spend the money at their store. She then took those little foamy letters that the kids do craft projects with and glued Shabby Sheep on the front. On the back was attached cash. Cool, huh. So next week we are going to have to make a trip to the yarn shop. I am going to take the whole card and show Ronda and the gals the card, spend the money and then I am saving the card. I am going to take a magnet that is the size of the card and glue it onto the gift card. Then it is going on the fridge. I loved the idea and now it will be where I can see it everyday. Wait, maybe that is not a good idea. I wonder if it will make me want to go buy yarn every day. Well we all have to help the economy in our own way, LOL. Jo helped make a Hummingbird cake by licking the icing beaters. If you have never had Hummingbird cake you are missing out on some yummy cake. It is very sweet but very tasty.

One thing about living in the country is the having wildlife all around. The cows actually belong to another person but they graze in the huge pasture behind The Ponderosa. There were around twenty calves in the herd. They started to walk away when we approached but Jo started moo-ing at them and they stopped and watched us and mooed back. Later in the day we saw a coyote walking through the pasture. Yes, this is the country. Of course the chickens were out running around and a couple of hawks flew by. Those chickens were in the coop faster than you could blink. A rabbit crawled out from under the storage shed. I do not know if he will have a long life. The first time he gets caught eating the garden he might be rabbit stew. Allison has hung five hummingbird feeders on the back of the house and there must be twelve to fifteen hummingbirds that hang around all the time. Interestingly the eat at the feeder and sit on them, sit in the trees and sit on the fence. They are the prettiest little birds and so fun to watch. And by the way, hummingbird cake does not include hummingbirds. It was a lovely day.

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