Monday, August 27, 2012

Boxing Up Hats

Time has come to box up hats for the Knit-A-Cap project. Each year about the time school starts it is time to get the hats ready to ship. My contact in Washington, DC, Lana, gets all the hats together and then ships them to schools that have requested them. These little knit hats may be the only hat some of these children get all year. I have had hats shipped all over the US including as far away as Alaska, anywhere where the winter weather is cold. I do not have as many this year as I have some years but 181 kids will be getting hats. I have blogged previously when I ship hats and if you are interested in participating in this project for next year just leave a comment and I will get in touch with you.

I sorted hats according to the yarns so there would not be too many per box of the same type.
Sorted to colors.
In the box and ready to ship.

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