Thursday, December 31, 2009
Keeping Things Interesting
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry White Christmas!

It would seem that the last time we had snow on Christmas day here in the DFW area was in 1926. It was so much fun. Today we decorated cookies, made a snowman, had a snowball fight, and opened presents. In the one picture Jo is standing in a snow drift in the back yard. We also had ribs, corn casserole, "trauma" salad, baked potatoes and gingerbread men. We decided to do something a little different this year and it was great. Merry Christmas Ya'll!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas Eve
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Randy Has Nothing On Us

I was watching one of my favorite Christmas stories today, "Christmas Story". I love this movie, Allison hates it. I think the reason I like it is that though I am not as old as Jean Shepard I can relate to the more innocent times of Christmas when I was young. I usually spend Christmas morning watching this movie while getting the food started. Of course you can watch it for a full 24 hours if you choose to thanks to one of the cable channels. The whole reason I bring this up is I had written before that while we were visiting the all the boys after Drew was born it was 2 degrees and very cold. It actually had snowed the day before. I had this picture of Jaxson and Ryan all bundled up to go outside for about two minutes to see their dogs. We all laughed and said they looked like Randy, Ralphie's brother in the movie. Too funny.
Today is a day of grumbling. I have been busily doing Christmas "stuff". For some reason this last Wednesday I started having "issues" with my back, severe pain that I could find no real reason for. Thursday I sat around all day taking Tylenol and figuring that with that and a heating pad I would recover. Friday I was better and Allison and I went to do some last minute shopping for the girls. Everything was fine. This morning I copied off a pattern for a crocheted bunny thinking that I would make it in January. I went to put back my toys pattern binder and all of a sudden I had an severe pain that felt like it stabbed through my back and around my side. What the heck?! I mean severe pain. So the whole rest of the day has been spent again with the Tylenol. I have no idea why it happened but it wiped me out for the whole day. I have a pretty high pain threshold but it was one of those that it hurt to move but I had to move because it hurt to sit every which way. I finished up some knitting but the whole day has been a pain, literally. I have osteoarthritis in my back and that and the RA have caused me to never know when there will be an issue. So this is a grumbing day because nothing has really seemed to help. I guess on the positive side I could say that I finished a bunch of my small knitting projects, but I could have done those without the "pain in the back". Hopefully tomorrow will be better. If not we may have to pull out the high power meds.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Stocking Finished

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Christmas Crazy

Monday, December 7, 2009
Pioneer Woman

This last Tuesday night I went to a booksigning by The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond. She was here in Dallas at Borders signing her new cookbook. I knew Allison really, really wanted this cookbook and had tried to get her to go with me. Of course with a couple of little girls and the fact that she would have to either get TJ to babysit or bring the girls with her and drive an hour and a half back home very late at night this was not going to happen. Oh, yeah, that does not include the waiting in line. It was a very nasty, rainy, cold evening. I did not want to go too early as I thought the rain might stop but it didn't. I left at 5pm and got there at 6. I pulled into the parking lot and there was not a parking place to be seen. Now, I knew that Ree was very popular, there is a link to her site here on the blog, but I was actually shocked at the amount of people there. You had to get a wristband when you came in. I was orange, there were four more colors ahead of me. That does not sound too bad till you find out that each color had 100 people in it. I do have to say that it took forever but that overall Borders did a good job. It was organized with the wristbands so there was no cutting in line. People even ordered pizza from the shop at the corner and it was like one big sit-in. Ree arrived at 7 pm to begin signing. It seemed like it was forever before our section even moved. Oh, yes, there were four more colors of wristbands after mine. That just roughly calculated was around 900 people. That did not count all the cute kids and babies that were unbelievably good for the amount of time spent sitting in the floor. One of the workers at Borders said they had sold 700 books and that did not even include the people like me who had bought their book before they came. So the people in my area decided that there had to be at least 850 people there. Ree was just as friendly and smiling at nearly midnight as she was at the beginning. She signed my book at 11:50, yeah I know when it was because I stood in line from 7 to 11:50. When I left after she signed the book she still had a line snaking through the store. I have no idea how long it took but the person at the end of the line must have been a faithful fan. The next day I was saying man I was tired, but I could not tell Allison why because the book was a surprise. I knew she did not think I was going to the signing and if I had even blogged it she would know. I gave her the book yesterday and she was very surprised. When I told her how long the line was she said she was not surprised. If you have never checked out Ree's blog it has something of interest for everyone and her recipes are absolutely yummy. Allison, you know I would not do this for anyone else. Wonder if she has another book coming out soon. I better rest up.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Already Home
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Hat Fits
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
He's Here!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Santa Baby
Here is Scout's newest hat. I adapted my regular sock cap pattern by using size 9 needles but still casting on 56 stitches. Heading to my stash I chose TLC Essentials in #2319, Cherry Red. I have used various yarns in the past for the white but this time used Lion Brand Wool-Ease white multi #602-301. It has a little strand of sparkle running though it that gives it a nice look. I usually put a bell on the end but for any of my baby Santa hats I knit the white that matches the brim since babies put everything in their mouths. By her expression Scout seems to like the hat.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Snowmen Hats

Monday, November 23, 2009
Helmet Liners
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Another Pair of Socks Finished
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Birthday Jo!

Today was Jo's 4th birthday. We had a Three Musketeer's Barbie birthday this year. It was a beautiful warm fall day with the sun shining. we had worried about that earlier in the week since it has been raining so much. There was a big turnout for the party and her gifts look like the Barbie aisle at WalMart. Everyone had a great time even Scout who was perfectly happy in her swing. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A Sock State of Mind
Friday, October 23, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Still Waiting
Yes, I am still waiting for the soldier to get to Texas. So since that is a little shall we say stressing I decided to put pix of the hats for the girls. First is the redo of the Surprise Stripe hat for Scout. I like it much better. I ripped out the first one and will use that yarn for something else. Secondly, Jo wanted the Jazz Stripe hat so here she is with hers. It is just the standard pattern I use for her. Fortunately she has not outgrown that size and it can be knitted up in a couple of hours. Lastly are the Fixation socks are finally finished. I started them I think in June and they got put back for some other things. I am not one to have only one project on the needles but on my Ravelry projects page I am down to three. Of course this does not count the couple of other projects I am finishing up. So I am off to work on another project as I listen for the sound of the soldier's truck to roll into the driveway.
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