Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I really do not like to sew. There are many crafty things I do like but sewing really stresses me. Contrast that to the fact that I have quite a thimble collection. I cannot remember my first collected thimble nor can I remember when I actually started collecting. I have a quite a few I have purchased but I have even more that my traveling children have given me. Since the move I just have not been able to get things in order and I really do not want a lot of things hanging on the walls but finally I needed the thimbles hung up. My little thimble holder was made for me one Christmas by my father-in-law.
There are still a few openings left. Since this was handmade not all the holes are the same size and I have to work around to find the spot that fits each thimble. I have many thimbles from the United States but also from the world travels of my children. Thimbles come in all shapes and sizes and I have a few that are too tall for the holder. Those sit on the buffet next to the ones hung on the wall. 
I love this little collection and appreciate that people think of me when traveling and bring me a new thimble.


Deborah Hamilton said...

That's a very nice collection!

Jane said...

And I have one from Sanibel to add to your collection!