Sunday, October 19, 2008

Busy Day

Saturday was a busy day. Jo's dad and uncle were out deer hunting so she and her mom came to my house. I had promised Jo we would make Halloween cookies to send to her Uncle Joseph who is stationed at Ft. Benning, Georgia. We had found the cute little pumpkin cookies that all you have to do is put them on the stone and bake them. Very easy. Of course there had to be enough for us to test them and make sure they were good for Uncle Joseph. There also had to be enough for her to take some home. When she cooks she has to wear the apron that her great-grandma made for her mother to use at this age. She then becomes "Chef Jo". After finishing the cookies we were going to head to The Shabby Sheep to pick up some more sock yarn. I am "into" Tofutsies right now and we were going to look for some colors to make Christmas socks. Of course we can never go that way and not stop and eat lunch at El Fenix. It is only about four blocks from the yarn shop and for me is comfort food. We had lunch and headed to the yarn shop. I had decided that I needed to get several skeins of sock yarn to add to my stash. This is to prepare for the coming ecomomic crisis. I do not want to run out of yarn and not be able to knit. I also do not want the yarn in my stash to get lonesome as the skeins disappear with use. After great restraint and plenty of time for Jo to visit with Abby the shop dog we headed back to the house. I had finished Jo's previously discussed first sock but I was still leary enough to not seam it shut before I tried it on her foot again. So now was the time to try it on. She was excited and of course loved the color since it is the color of her favorite blankie. She even was very cooperative to have a picture taken of it on her foot. I think she really wanted it right then but of course we have to whip up the second sock. So the second sock is now cast on and all I will do the rest of the day is try to get as much done as I can on that sock. After all I have to get started on her next pair.

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